Antisocial until 2025



Art Pass series 4 – First look

For details of where to get these beauties from plus see a few more images, read on…

As you can see from the list, my work is in fine company; Dave the Chimp, Deadlemming, Kozyndan (wow), Lunartik, Mr. Scruff, Niels De Jong, Sixxa, Sarah Anne Langton & Den Patrick and Suckadelic (phew).

My designs feature the two popular slogans from recent campaigns; Pikea with added strapline, and Sodtherich. When my consignment arrived I was amazed by the quality. It’s like there’s a little pocket protecting your tickets and any other flat accessories you may carry. The wallet is supplied flat, one side is printed and the reverse (inner sleeve) is a brilliant white. A crimped section on the printed outer assists the folded section by strengthening it during daily use.

Popping it out of the mould is simple, leaving no residue plastic. The fold can accommodate quite a few till receipts, together with a few purchased/borrowed/found travel tickets or fitting portraits of yourself or loved/hated ones.

You can grab one (limited stocks) from my new shop HERE for £2.99 (+postage) or buy one custom signed for only £5.99.