Art Core will celebrate the club artwork of the last twenty years, many of the original artists have been asked to recreate their work too. I chose to paint the Fungle Junk vehicles in aerosol, as a triptych. The original flyer designs were 12 flyers spread over three vehicles (4 parts each). The canvasses measure 91.5cm x 122cm, quite a challenge for the amount of detail and lighting pattern on the original.
Many of the designs that I made flyers from had artworks or photographic images in the background, or illustration that I would custom create for the flyer itself, or use something from the archive. I’ll be getting round to those when I retrieve a lot of old work from Floppies, Zip disks, Negatives and VHS.
During painting, I am making a stringent effort to photograph the painting as a stop-frame, remembering to take a photo every half hour or so, depending on the technique.
The Art Core show runs from Friday 13th February, culminating in an auction on the 26th February. You will need to register to both attend and/or bid in the auction, more details on the Dreweatts Auction Pages.